Personal essay for university
Williams Paper Topics, Thesis
Monday, August 24, 2020
My Journey to America Free Essays
My excursion to America is one extraordinary experience. I state this not on the grounds that I had the option to go to the place where there is my fantasies however principally in light of the fact that the excursion had improved my standpoint in life through the numerous exercises and bits of knowledge it had instructed. My nation of cause is Kenya, situated in Eastern Africa. We will compose a custom paper test on My Journey to America or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Isolating these two nations is the Pacific Ocean,â â an enormous waterway that appeared to connote the difficulty of my coming here (Crofton, 1994, p. 434). Yet, luckily, this enormous deterrent was survived, and now I am appreciating the fun and openings offered by a nation that had just once been a fantasy. You just can't envision the fervor I had felt when I discovered that I will head out to America. For most of Africans, America is a place that is known for brilliant chance, a spot that one can better himself. It offers an uncommon involvement with headway in innovation, a basic factor to a person’s twentieth century learning. Or more all, America had a fabulous time, energizing and recorded spots to visit. Outfitted in view of such grand musings, experiencing the issue of petitioning for movement papers at the US Embassy made no difference to me. Iâ â bade farewell to Kenya last __________. My agenda was from Nairobi, Kenya to ______, USA. It would take roughly ______ hours to arrive at the US.  On the plane I attempted to contain my energy albeit hovering over the wide Pacific Ocean was both exciting and nerve-wracking. Looking down beneath from the window of the plane, I can see a wide territory of blue water, extending miles and miles past as though it could never end. Despite the fact that the sight was delightful to observe, I can't hold back to see land for by then I out of nowhere felt an amazing apprehension of being in a spot absolutely obscure, as though I was lost in no place. I understood then that removing oneself from natural spots isn't unreasonably simple, all things considered. As the plane advanced over the earth,  my mind was loaded up with musings of what I will going to do in America, the companions that I will meet, the spots I will visit and the things that I will have. The contemplations all came to me immediately, both exciting and charming me simultaneously. Amidstâ these contemplations, my mindâ hustled back to the spot I simply left behind, the friends and family that I won't seeâ for at some point andâ the spots that shockingly I will miss, and afterward all of a sudden I felt nostalgic and on the off chance that I was not strongâ enough tears would have tumbled from my eyes. It was agonizing to understand that for me to encounter something new, I needed to relinquish something that I hold dear. In any case, I am happy to believe that some time or another I will be back. At last, after some time I moved toward the spot that for over a century had drawn a wide range of races and nationalities to its shores like a magnet. I expected the view from above to be such a great amount of not quite the same as the elevated perspective on the nation and landmass I simply left behind. Genuine enough it was way, way extraordinary. While the spot I had quite recently left was commanded by woods and desert that was spotted with human residences and structures, the perspective on America from the air was only stunning to me. A huge swath of structures unendingly packed themselves underneath, tall high rises and the Statue of Liberty appeared to contact me in welcome. I could hardly imagine how the famousâ â America was directly before me!   I felt a wonderful feeling of self-satisfaction at that point, maybe in light of the fact that America had this mystical method of making an individual imagine that at last he had seen this present reality. Normally I was unable to hold back to set my feet in the America soil.  For the first run through in my life I was encircled with individuals who appear to be unique from me. In the air terminal were white individuals, earthy colored cleaned individuals and dull ones like me. I was intrigued with the nearness of various nationalities that were occupied with conversing with each other in a language I don't comprehend and rushing past me to places God knows where. I understood later that I will regularly go over these various sorts of individuals in simply any road in America. I wonder much about them, the spots that they originated from and the friends and family that they deserted in a nation far away. I realize that a large portion of them come to America to procure more cash, and I wonder on the off chance that they satisfied that objective. Settling here for _________ (months or years) presently, I can say with power that outsiders here frequently experienced physical, passionate and mental affliction. A significant number of them are yearning to go home.  There is no spot, all things considered, that man will be immaculate by the negative encounters of life. Such acknowledgment had created in  me a more profound regard for individuals who  left their country to secure positions in different shores. For the numerous fruitful individuals who pass my direction day by day, I can say that for sure America is a place where there is brilliant chance, yet just for the individuals who buckle down. In life regardless of where we will be we just can't anticipate that a brilliant egg should fall on our lap. Here there are likewise numerous destitute individuals. I don't have the foggiest idea why they experienced that way however one thing America encouraged me is that in the event that you need something great to occur in your life, at that point you should be eager to forfeit, to let numerous sweats tumble from your brow.   A individual ought not sit tight for circumstance, he should search for it and whenever he found that open door he should snatch it with two hands. The rundown of wonderful spots to visit and energizing activities in America is interminable. There are numerous huge parks enlivened with wonderful blossoms and housed various types of creatures (a significant number of these creatures are local to my country like tigers and elephants).  When I look a these confined creatures I can't resist the opportunity to contrast them with their family members back home who wandered  freely in the African wild. America isn't a position of opportunity for them yet despite what might be expected, America is a snare, a jail. I felt pitiful however these are the costs that should be paid if individuals of America are to see a live African untamed life. Besides, America had numerous enormous malls loaded up with a wide range of stuff. They are welcoming to contact, look and on the off chance that I have the cash, to purchase. There are simply numerous things to look over, every one of them delightful. The facts confirm that America has heaps of things to offer particularly for a Kenyan like me. Being encircled by all these wonderful things make me take a gander at life all the more decidedly. I do have pessimistic encounters in America however I would refer to one in particular that I know is experienced by most remote individuals like me and it is the revolting substance of racial separation. I realize that racial segregation is available when the individuals of different races I partner with treat me with doubt without reason. I know some of them didn't really needed the inclination to come however it automatically jumped up some place. Racial segregation is a major issue here.â This fair shows extraordinary America, similar to some other nation on the planet, had its own issues to explain. Clearly, there are numerous contrasts among America and my nation of origin yet there is one distinction that I might want to share here. I couldn't help suspecting that the individuals who live in America are consistently in a rush. It appeared that they have such a significant number of activities however don't have the opportunity to do it. That is the reason most Americans (counting the individuals who are not yet lived here) are consistently in a ceaseless condition of pressure. They are occupied with pursuing â€Å"something†so they don't have the opportunity â€Å"to smell the flowers†. This is so much not at all like Kenya. There it appeared we have a lot of time to rest, to reflect. Maybe on the grounds that our lives are less confused, our fantasies are less complex. For most Kenyan families giving every day food on the table is a major achievement. My excursion to America is an undertaking of a lifetime. I will always remember the numerous new  experiences that came alongâ  and the exercises it had educated me. For sure I can say that my excursion to America had opened entryways throughout my life that were once shut. Reference Crofton, Ian (proofreader). (1994). The Guinness Compact Encyclopedia. London: Guinness Publishing Limited. The most effective method to refer to My Journey to America, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Seneca Falls in New York Essay Example For Students
Seneca Falls in New York Essay How mill operator composed this discourse delineates how men saw ladies in that time. It says to me that it is a womans obligation to serve her significant other. He needs to break her by undermining that she is prohibited to see her significant other. This mentality towards ladies was evident in Salem in 1642 as well as in 1848. A gathering of ladies met in Seneca Falls in New York and one of the subjects raised was a womans place in the family, Their revelation of conclusions perceived that law rendered wedded ladies commonly dead (Stanton, Anthony and gage 1881, p70). Men have set up all standards of marriage and separation completely paying little heed to the bliss of womengoing upon a bogus notion of matchless quality of man and giving all force into his hands.4 Mill operator had additionally picked every male character to be the conductors of the court. This returns to my point that ladies are at less level of approach producers in America, 13 percent of U.S congresspersons; 14 percent of U.S agents; 14 percent of governors; 28 percent of state wide elective officials; 22 percent of state enactments and 21 percent of mayors.5 Sexuality in the play is additionally elevated. Mill operator raises Abigails age and brings down John Proctors and between them they engage in extramarital relations, in spite of the fact that there is no proof this truly happened in 1692. This possibly to perform to play, however it passes on Millers own translation of a lady. Sex is viewed as a transgression, the young ladies move exposed in the wood, and despite the fact that it is an innocuous action wherein they were doing. The setting of the play anyway recommends in any case as it is a puritan network satisfaction in any nature is illegal and they live just to serve God, The fundamental sin is sex, which has been famously compared with the Devil by method of unique sin. The young ladies move illegally in obscurity woods around a fire (another appalling image), some naked.6 Want is an inclination that drives the vast majority that gives them decisions and chooses their results. A road vehicle named want has indistinguishable sexual strains from the Crucible from various perspectives. Sex or your sexual propensities or inclinations can be viewed as a transgression with its references to unspeakable parts of sexuality. Without a doubt, one analyst considered it the result of a frantically horrible turn of brain, to me it is depicting Blanche as being stifled by a culture. Sex is an untouchable subject and Blanches want is smothered by society. Sexism in the play is a fundamental topic which is clear as ladies are believed to be the more fragile sex. The rubbing among male and female turns out to be most clear then Stanley is cross examining Stella about the papers for Belle Reve, a property which has a place with her family, he says In the territory of Louisiana we have the Napoleonic code as per which what has a place with the spouse has a place with the husband and the other way around. A Streetcar Named Desire raises unforgiving issues that individuals do involvement with society today, for instance Blanche gets assaulted by her sisters spouse, in this atmosphere we the free structure and good ambiguities of a trolley named want inspired an emotional response of truth. Harold Clurman wrote in February 1948 that its effect as of now is particularly solid, since it is for all intents and purposes extraordinary as a phase piece that is both individual and social and entirely a result of our life today.8 Rape is a subject that has consistently been near however perhaps not as discussed as it should be, Feminist scholars and political activists have brought attentionâ to three sexuality issues assault, inappropriate behavior and lady battery. .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199 , .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199 .postImageUrl , .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199 , .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199:hover , .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199:visited , .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199:active { border:0!important; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199:active , .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199:hover { obscurity: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } . uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116f c8d4199 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uaf9b155bd16e6e2247b85116fc8d4199:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Drama portfolio work EssayFor many, these represent the abuse ladies have endured inâ male overwhelmed social orders. Just assaulting and subverting the culturalâ support for these practices will make sure about the individual autonomyâ necessary for the quest for bliss. These issues raised byâ sexual terrorizing and all the more significantly, their answers, remained inâ the private circle for a considerable length of time. During the 1960s and 1970s, the emergingâ womens development carried them to the open motivation , both at theâ federal level in each state. So it was not until the 1960s that issue was brought politically up in America, and it was at exactly that point that the laws changed with the goal that this kind of conduct got clear in each express that it is inadmissible. A Streetcar named want features what enthusiastic force men can hold over ladies. Blanche is a woman tormented with despair brought about by a man and every last bit of her activities since her heart was broken show the absence of regard for herself and not exclusively was it the way that her significant other Allen had an ablaze however he at that point ended it all and she likely hauls around the blame of that inside her considerations. She says in scene: After the passing of Allen affections with outsiders was all I appeared to fill my vacant heart withI think it was panic,â just alarm that drove me starting with one then onto the next, chasing for some insurance to a great extent, in the most improbable spots  even at any rate, in a multi year old kid, however  somebody composed the administrator about it This lady isâ morally unfit for her position!After perusing the content I question how can it be that ladies are frequently depicted as urgent, and that they would do anything for a man or to feel adored? I believe this is the manner by which Williams needed to depict ladies in this play, a womens life and decisions are driven simply by men. Williams father left his sister, his mom and himself Williams assessment of ladies I accept would originate from his own encounters and what possibly his mom had experienced.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The Well-Readheads Go Off the Script
The Well-Readheads Go Off the Script LH: Holy cats, sugar brains. it’s already November. That means we have experienced practically another whole year of bookish awesomeness! YAY BOOKS. And I think for this week’s column, instead of choosing a subject, we should just bust out of form and talk about anything bookish we want. Are you with me? RJS: Freeeeeedom! Yes, I’m with you. What’s on your mind, doll? LH: Three words: En. Eee. Thing. For example, what’s the best book-related item you bought this year? RJS: You mean besides my awesome Read Harder t-shirt from Book Riot’s anniversary? That’d have to be my subscription to Oyster. 10 bucks a month for unlimited ebooks is pretty freaking great, and it’s my new favorite way to read backlist. Now it’s my turn to ask you, and your turn to flaunt that amazing dress, isn’t it? LH: I was going to talk about the people I was excited to meet, but I’ll show off the dress, sure! I’m thinking about buying four more and making it my uniform. RJS: One could do a whole lot worse for bookish uniforms, but people are good too. Like the time we met Terry Tempest Williams and I cried all over her, then we ate chicken and waffles. LH: That was at the top of my list. She was the nicest person ever! And the time we had lunch with Chuck Wendig and he didn’t melt us with his laser beard. And we got a new Donna Tartt book to read, because we have been very, very good. RJS: Or they knew if they didn’t give us a new Donna Tartt book, we’d take to conducting Secret History-style bacchanals in my backyard. We also got a new collection of short stories from my favoritest favorite Laura van den Berg. Whaddya suppose we did to deserve that? LH: Mentioned how much we love The Secret History in practically every post we wrote? New question! Discover a love for any new genres this year? RJS: Girl, you know the answer is yes! After reading 50 Shades of Grey last year, I decided that I really wanted to understand romance and erotica and not just be able to tell the good from the bad but discern what defines my own taste in it. So I’ve been reading a toooooon of romance, and I subscribed to the WORDs of Love program that our friend and fellow Rioter Jenn runs at Word in Brooklyn, and it’s been pretty great. There have been some missteps, and more than a few silly euphemisms, but I’ve enjoyed. What about you? Could your literary horizons be any broader? LH: It is true that I will read anything if it looks interesting to me, or it comes highly recommended by someone I trust. This year I discovered I love books about the Civil War, both fiction and nonfiction. It started back in January when I read The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. I had picked it up because Joss Whedon cited it as his influence for Firefly, one of my favorite shows. It was amazing! From there I moved on to The Alligators of Abraham by Robert Kloss (which you have heard me talk about a million times now I can’t love this book more), Ambrose Bierce essays and stories (this guy HAD to have influenced Lovecraft) and more. And I’m still going I now have just over 100 Civil War books in my house. History is so awesome! Someone please make me a Team Burnside shirt. Speaking of nonfiction, anything you’d like to drool over? RJS: Oh yes! I am in seventeen different kinds of love with Smarter Than You Think by Clive Thompson, which is about how the internet is not ruining us but is actually changing our minds for the better by connecting us to each other and allowing us to solve problems faster and create more new things. Going Clear by Lawrence Wright, a history and exposé of Scientology, just rocked my world, as books about fringe religions tend to do. And Anything That Moves by Dana Goodyear totally changed the way I understand contemporary food culture. Right now, The Empathy Exams, a collection of essays by Leslie Jamison is making my brain scream in the most satisfying way. I took me forever to come around to loving essays, I think because I associated them with boring school writing, but I’m so glad I did. Anything you were a late convert to? LH: I just read The Empathy Exams twinsies! They are indeed wonderful. My only complaint is that I have had Broken Arrow by Rod Stewart stuck in my head for days, and if you’ve read the book, you know how that’s kinda upsetting. Instead of things I’m a late convert to, I want to tell you about a couple of books that I loved that I got to read early: Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer and Thunderstruck Other Stories by Elizabeth McCracken. Annihilation comes out in January, and is creepy, brain-screaming fun, in the vein of Lovecraft (there he is again!) and Ballard. It’s mildly apocalypsy nature horror. And it’s really effing good. And as for the McCracken stories, which come out in April, I cannot stress enough how much I loved them. She is a writing goddess. These stories are white-hot brilliance with a pinch of Shirley Jackson. Whaddya say you wrap it up for us, kitten? Any last book awesomeness? RJS: I’ve been saving the book-nerdiest bit for last. I am waaaaay late to the party, but I’m finally reading Parnassus on Wheels by Christopher Morley. It’s a dripping-with-charm novel about a traveling book salesman and the farm woman who fell for him when he tried to sell his bookstore-on-wheels to her writer brother. I’ve been hearing about it for so long, and it’s just as wonderful as I expected. Books about books! I mean, what’s not to like? On that note, we’d better call it a day. What are you digging lately, readers? _________________________ Sign up for our newsletter to have the best of Book Riot delivered straight to your inbox every two weeks. No spam. We promise. To keep up with Book Riot on a daily basis, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, , and subscribe to the Book Riot podcast in iTunes or via RSS. So much bookish goodnessall day, every day.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay on The Crusades - 908 Words
The Crusades A major turning point in Medieval history were the Crusades. The Crusades were a series of wars fought between the Christian Europeans and the Muslim Turks, which occurred between the years of 1096 to 1272. In this Holy War the Christians goal was to obtain the Holy Land from the Turks, in which they did not succeed. Although the Christians did not meet their goal, many positives did come out of their attempt. Due to the reason that they did not meet their goal, yet numerous positives came out of their effort, many refer to this as a successful failure. A main cause of the Crusades was the treatment of Christian pilgrims. They were robbed, beaten, and then sold. The main group of Turks, the Seljuk Turks, were threatening†¦show more content†¦He also thought that the land in the Middle East would be an outlet for the overpopulation in Europe. Lastly, he agreed to send the knights away because it would keep them busy fighting Muslims instead of one another; in addition he kept the knights away form causing troubles in the towns. There were both positive and negative effects of The Crusades, although the positives did outweigh the negatives. The two major negative effects were anti-Semitism and the orchestrated attacks by Venice. Many Crusaders in Europe were so religiously fuming, that they turned their anger towards the Jews. They would at times massacre a whole community as a result of their religious rage. During the fourth crusade, crusaders began fighting Christians instead of Muslims. After helping Venetian merchants defeat their Byzantine trade rivals in 1204, the crusaders captured and looted Constantinople. They actually ransacked the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the empire in which they began to fight for, not against. There also were many positive effects of The Crusades, one being the increase of trade. Even before the Crusades, merchants began to enjoy some of the luxury goods that were brought from the Byzantine Empire. The crusaders thatShow MoreRelatedThe First Crusade And The Crusade1192 Words  | 5 PagesThe first crusade started in autumn of 1095. Pope Urban II initiated the first crusade by calling upon his Christians to reclaim the city of Jerusalem. The Crusade was also meant to seek revenge on the followers of Islam. The followers were accused of committing crimes against â€Å"Christendom†. Pope Urbans crusade was made possible by the work of St. Augustine on Christian Violence in the past. Many Christians joined the crusade because the Pope promised rewards for the afterlife. After the fourthRead MoreThe Second Crusade And The Third Crusade1896 Words  | 8 Pagesthe facts for what they are. After much discussion and exploration, we figure that the third crusade actually did follow the principles of Christianity to some extent. Portions of the third crusade were definitely morally wrong and conflicted against the teachings of Christianity, but not all of it fell out of order in which the foundation upon which Christianity was built. At the beginning, the Third Crusade was called under the belief that by reclaiming the Holy Land of Jerusalem, the ChristiansRead MoreThe Children s Crusade : A Crusade Of The Holy Land859 Words  | 4 PagesThe brief campaign of the thirteen-century Children’s crusade was not technically a crusade in the sense that medieval Europeans understood the term and lasted only a few months during the year 1212. It lacked Papal sanction and its participants marched without the customary indulgences granted to those engaged in warfare to defend the Faith. Uncharacteristic as it was, the Children’s Crusade was a revealing chapter in medieval history, as it exemplified the depths of crusading zeal along with theRead MoreThe First Crusade And The Crusades1974 Words  | 8 PagesAs the historian John Riley Smith points out â€Å"The First Crusade was a violent and brutal episode during which the crusaders cut out a swathe of suffering through Europe and Western Asia.†In this description of the First Crusade (1095/6- 1099) Smith makes it difficult for us to see and, or uncover any elements of pilgrimage in the crusaders actions. However, there are many different ways in which the crusades have been described, the historian Christopher Tyerman on the other hand, steers towardsRead MoreThe Crusade Of The Children s Crusade861 Words  | 4 PagesDuring the early 13th century, while the wars against he Albigensians were occurring, crusade preaching became integral aspect of life in parts of Germany and northern France. On top of the already present religious fervor the most of Europe had, these preachings drove people to act on their devoutness to God. The Children’s Crusade, which was a popular religious movement in Europe during 1212, was a movement in which thousands of youth assembled and took crusading vows, their objective was to recoverRead MoreThe Crusades : The First Crusade Essay1995 Words  | 8 Pagesthe Crusades, I only com e out of them with a vague understanding of the situation. So, I sought out to gain a greater understanding through the vision of the question, Was the first crusade a success, and if so, what made it a success? Using The Crusades: A Reader, specifically the writings and documents from pages 33-79, I will make a decision based on specific occurrences and their ultimate goal (CITE SOURCE WITH FULL CITATION).I plan on picking out important aspects of the first crusade andRead MoreThe World Of The Crusades1518 Words  | 7 Pageslearning about the crusades. The people, weapons, food, diseases, and technological advances (or disadvantages since it was the Dark Age) were all taught to us and now it is time to put it to the test. We learned that the crusades affected all three religions that have ties to Jerusalem, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. We watched Kingdom of Heaven, a historical fiction movie based on the crusades. The time of the story that we see is based between the seco nd and third crusade. Although the movieRead MoreImpact of the Crusades642 Words  | 3 Pagesthe Crusades The Crusades were a very important part of history. It has been said that The Crusades are what started the beginning of modernization. Not only were they what started the beginning of modernization, they also had many impacts on Europe. The four major areas of impact on Europe were in the Economic, Political, Social, and Religious parts. Though all the areas were impacted, not all were good impacts. One of the areas that will be focused on is the Economic area. The Crusades wereRead MoreThe First Crusade During The Crusades1721 Words  | 7 Pageshe subject of the crusades is still a very controversial topic that spans across various time periods and has religious, social, and political implications. The first crusade started off as a widespread pilgrimage that ended as a military expedition resulting in the recapture of Jerusalem in 1099. The crusades initiated from a call from help from Alexius for the protection of Constantinople and the recovery of Anatolia. For centuries textbooks have repeated with routine regularity, that the immediateRead MoreCrusades and the Church Essay549 Words  | 3 PagesCrusades and the Church At the time of the Crusades, the official church had become corrupt and politically motivated. It should be noted, too, that crusaders did not take vows to go on crusade. The very term crusade, in English or in any other language, is a much later invention. What we call crusades, contemporaries knew as pilgrimages or even simply journeys. Aside from a tiny elite, people were illiterate and even if they could read, there was no access to a Bible or any scriptural
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Frederick Douglas s The Declaration Of Independence
July 4th is the day celebrated when America gained declared independence from Great Britain. It’s been celebrated every year as a country since the adoption of the Declaration of Independence since 1776. In 1852, the 5th of July, Frederick Douglas was asked to speak in front of northern abolitionists in New York of the holiday and the subject of independence and freedom. Frederick Douglas would be the ideal person to speak about freedom. At the time in 1850’s he was an African American man who had gained his freedom from slavery. He had taught himself how to read and write, which was uncommon for an Africa American to do, during slave hood. Most slaveholders at this time would want to keep their slaves illiterate. This was an era where Northern states were just beginning to nurture the idea of abolition. Being an abolitionist was still dangerous and censored in the south, and most northerners were just anti-slavery, the difference between the two was one wanted the end of slavery total (abolitionists) and the other just wanted to stop the spread of slavery in new states and territories (anti-slavery). Frederick Douglas, because of his first-hand experience with slavery and his literacy, began to make friends among the abolitionists in the North and would be the best person to speak about freedom. He then uses this as a chance to persuade, particularly northern, people into becoming abolitionist by pointing out the irony in him speaking about the holiday of independence, andShow MoreRelated Modern Day Relevance of The Declaration of Independence Essay969 Words  | 4 PagesRelevance of The Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents produced by an American thinker. Reading The Declaration of Independence presents the reader with a window into the world of revolutionary America. It conveys the dynamic nature of the time better than any written work of the period. The real importance of The Declaration of Independence lies not in the purpose for which Jefferson created it, to declare independence from Great BritainRead MoreThe Struggle For Women s Rights850 Words  | 4 PagesWomen Suffrage Throughout history, battles and wars have been fought to gain some type of rights or freedoms. In 1775, the American Revolutionary War was fought for independence; In 1865, the American Civil War was fought to end slavery. Although no wars were fought, many battles were waged for women s rights. The struggle for women s rights begin in the mid-late 1800s at a time when women were not allowed to vote or own property. Women, as with African-Americans, during this period were not recognizedRead MoreFDFinalEssay 11578 Words  | 7 Pagestheir fame and influence on humanity. Ultimately, when a man’s ability surpasses any societal limitations, greed, lust, and pride tempt his morality which usually fails to persist. In his novel, the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Frederick Douglas reminisces on personal experiences as a slave while concurrently investigating the paradoxical nature of Southern slaveholders. He delves into the mystery of a white ma n’s ability to suppress another human being while remainingRead MoreSlavery : A Prominent Source Of The American Economy907 Words  | 4 Pagescitizen; your life was still influenced by slavery. There were citizens who favor of slavery and other citizens who were anti-slavery. Slave speeches such as Henry Brown, Harriet Jacobs, and also abolitionist such as William Lloyd Garrison and Fredrick Douglas; made it clear that the existence of slavery brands republicanism as a sham, humanity as a base pretense, and also Christianity as a lie. These three arguments were presented in Fredrick Douglass’s speech in Rochester, New York in July 1852. FredrickRead MoreThe Autobiography By Frederick Douglass1632 Words  | 7 PagesThe autobiography by Frederick Douglass is very interesting. It talks about his life and his contribution to the abolition movement. This is an incredible tell perseverance to be with his love that is free in the north and to help others that have be en in captivity. Before the book starts he gives a pretty face by William Lloyd Garrison and a letter from Wend ale Phillips. He s done this because he wants people to know that he is a runaway slave that is smart and able to write in his book isRead MoreEssay on Fredrick Douglass1173 Words  | 5 Pagesbeginning of the long arduous struggle over the continuous fight for racial equality. Fredrick Douglass based his ideas of reform on two different and interconnected principles. These were the issues of religion and morality and also upon the Declaration of Independence, which represent the set of ideals upon which the nation had established itself. The importance of Christian morality was especially important throughout the 19th century due to the second great awakening, which caused many people to beRead MoreEnsuring Freedom Essay901 Words  | 4 Pagesfreedom in the eyes of American citizens has been surprisingly ambivalent. With the creation of the Declaration and the Constitution early in our country’s lifetime, the element of freedom was undeniably sought. However, looking back at the loosely written intentions of this document, freedom can be assumed unfit for all. The Declaration, promising â€Å"that all men are created equal†(U.S. Declaration Ind.), began as a document causing nothing but civil strife from the voices of ill represented minoritiesRead MoreFrederick Douglas : A Man And Slave Woman1159 Words  | 5 PagesFrederick Douglas: Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey was born in February 1818 on the eastern shore of Maryland whose parent were a white man and slave woman by the name of Harriet Bailey. He was name after his mother, Harriet Bailey, but he only saw her a couple of times. At the age eight or nine he was sent to live with family of his slave owner’s in Baltimore, Maryland. By the age of fifteen, Frederick was literate. Around this same time, he went back to his owner to work as a field hand.Read MoreAfrican Slaves During The Nineteenth Century1474 Words  | 6 Pagesthe tobacco, rice and indigo estates of the southern drift. After the American Revolution (1775-1783), numerous homesteaders started to connect the abuse of black slaves to their own particular persecution by the British, and to require subjugation s annulment. The English inclusion in the transoceanic slave exchange was, until as of late, a subject regularly brushed away from plain view. The possibility of a large number of African slaves going through British ports in loathsome conditions staysRead MoreSlavery And Jim Crow Laws1613 Words  | 7 Pagesleaders of the black race have made tremendous strides in their efforts to level out the playing field between the two races. The rise of abolitionism is were the journey for equality began with black political theorist like, David Walker, Fredrick Douglas, and Anna Julia Cooper. Decades later the Civil Rights Era would continue the work of those former slaves ultimately changing the treatment of black people nationwide. Black activist like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Mary McLeod
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Team Strategic Plan Free Essays
Team Strategic Plan * Core Values: * Loyalty – stay committed to the team’s schedule. * Respect – Treat others as you would wish to be treated * Selfless Service – Put the best interest of the team and class above yourself * Integrity – Do what is right, even when no one is watching * Personal Courage – Do the hard right over the easy wrong * Operating Guidelines: * Zero tolerance for any member who refuses to contribute to the success of the team. * All team members are required to follow the Texas AM-commerce’s code of conducts. We will write a custom essay sample on Team Strategic Plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now * We will consult each other before taking any decisions. * SWOT Analysis: Internal Strengths- * Teamwork focused * Well rounded educational foundation * Diversity * Quantitative analysis * Writing skills * Internal Weaknesses- * 75% of members are 1st semester graduate students. * Ineffectiveness in communication because English is the second language for 75% of members. * None of the team members are familiar with APA style. * External Opportunities- * Easy access to information about Strategic Management (textbook and library). * Abilities to research online needed information. * Aptitudes to ask for help to our wonderful well-educated teacher and at the Texas AM-commerce library. External Threats- * Geographic distance * Limited time to achieve this assignment. * The high expectations of our teacher will not allow us to present a poor documented strategic plan. * Mission: (Who, what, when, where, why) This team was organized to enhance the collective learning experience and draw from the diverse backgrounds of its team members in order to successfully complete all MGT 591 course requirements to the highest standards . * Vision: (What we want to be): we will present to this class a strategic plan on the addressed topic: The potential Impact of Compassionate Leaders on Performance Excellence Initiatives. Goals: (Must be Specific, Measurable) * Broad Goals- write a research paper on the potential Impact of Compassionate Leaders on Performance Excellence Initiatives. * Specific Goals- * 1-Submit the team strategic plan on or before 11:30p. m. CST on 9/8. * 2- Submit the team Research Paper any time before 11:30p. m. CST on 10/27 * Strategy: (The plan of how and when to Achieve the Goals Objectives. Who will do what, when) * Strategy Formulation- in order to be fully on time with the schedule, we will use all sources of communication available such as online chat, emails, phones, and face-to-face intercourse. Strategy Implementation- * First day of meeting: we will get to know each team member, choose a topic, and brainstorming on the best ways to get this assignment done on time. * Second day of meeting: first we will set a fix and detailed schedule. Then, we will found a common ground on whether to assign each team member with a specific part to research on, or to research the topic as a whole. * From then on until the final day: we will make sure to help each other stay on schedule. * Critical Success Factors: (Only two or three): * All team members must do thorough research on the topic. It is imperative to submit on time to avoid penalties. * Effective communication among team members. * Distinctive Competencies: (Different than Core values, but in line with them): the source of our competitive advantage comes from our diverse backgrounds. Each one of us has a different culture, which enables us to provide a synergy beneficial to this research paper. * Measurements and Feedback: this section will be use each and every day to avoid a ny misunderstanding. At any time, we will let each other know what we think should be done. How to cite Team Strategic Plan, Essay examples
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Tupac Amaru Shakur Essay Example For Students
Tupac Amaru Shakur Essay On June 17, 1971 Tupac Amaru Shakur was born in East Harlem public hospital New York. His mother Afeni Shakur spent part of her pregnancy with Tupac in New York Womens Correctional Facility due to the many charges brought against her and twenty other Black Panther members, one of which included a conspiracy to bomb many public buildings in New York (Powell 22). The case against her dragged on for twenty-five months. While on bail she courted two men-Legs, a straight up gangster who did whatever necessary to make money and Billy a member of the Black Panther party Powell 22). Afeni says that Tupac Amaru is the name of an Inca chief meaning Shinning serpent, while Shakur is Arabic meaning Thankful to god'(qtd in Shakur 22). Afeni states that this name was the only one fitting enough for her miracle baby. By this she means that she thought that it was a miracle that she not only got to keep him but the fact that he survived while inside her. She states that while in prison she had to fight for an extra egg and a glass of milk each day (some of the basic nutrients needed to deliver a strong healthy baby). We will write a custom essay on Tupac Amaru Shakur specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In 1986 Tupac and Afeni move to Baltimore where Tupac enrolled himself into the Baltimore school For The Performing Arts (Marriott NYT). It is here that Tupac first finds his sense of identity. Tupac states in Vibe magazine that since he and his mother did so much moving around, he was never really able to find friends that he had ties to, he states that he felt like he never really fit in anywhere because he was from everywhere. It is in Baltimore that Tupac is finally exposed to white people. He says that it is at his school that he finally got to interact with white people nd they were not half bad, that not all of them were out to fuck a nigga over'(Powell 23). It is at the Baltimore school where he first learns to write his first raps, under the name MC New York. At the end of his sophomore year his mother moved again, this time all the way to Marin City California. Tupac says that he still has not gotten over the fact that he had to move. Afeni leaving numerous messages back on the east coast trying to inform Legs of her recent move, so he will know where to find her when he gets out of prison dies shortly after he is eleased due to a heart attack caused by over dosing on crack cocaine. Tupac was never able to say good-bye to the only father that he ever knew. Marine City is across the bay from Oakland. Nicknamed the jungle because niggas there like to kick up dust (Powell 27). Afeni states that Marin City is essentially one giant housing complex. She states when he got to the west coast Tupac was taught the streets, or more so he started to learn the hard lessons of manhood that she couldnt teach him (Powell 27). It is in 1988 that Tupac drops out of high school stating, I just ouldnt fit in and starts selling drugs for a near by neighborhood gang (qtd in Times March 10). Tupac says that he could cook, sew and clean house, but he just didnt feel hard. His mother did everything that she could do, but Afeni couldnt give him what he yearned for most, to be tuff (Pareles March 30). Tupac credits the loss of his manly figures throughout his life to his strong yearning to be accepted by the gangsters and feared by average citizen. Shortly after Tupac drops out of high school he moved in with a neighbor. Tupac would have to sell drugs to be able to stay in the house. Tupac states, I was in the streets before but only as my mothers son(Times Sept. 3). Tupac felt that he was old enough to make it on his own. Tupac says that his mother was always moving and he remembers promising himself that when he got old enough he would move out and find his own roots, a place for him to call home. Tupac further shows his anger towards the life given to him by saying, niggas that wasnt shit use to dis me, but I didnt have no money and thats what used to fuck me up(Powell 27). While in Marin City Tupac tried to be friends with everyone, and became the running joke in the area. Tupac states that he was never taken seriously, that he got love but it was the kind that you would give a dog or a neighborhood crack fiend not the type that you would give to someone you respected or feared(Powell 27). He states that they liked him because he was at the bottom and they knew that he was going to stay there. Nevertheless Tupac says that he would rather be patronized but accepted than not be accepted at all. In August of 1988 Tupacs new stepfather was sentenced to 60 years in rison without parole for his involvement in an armed car robbery, further fueling Tupacs need to be accepted in the black male community. In 1990 Tupac joins Digital Underground as a roadie/dancer/rapper. This is Tupacs fist big break in the music industry. Later on in 1991 Tupac achieves individual recognition in his first album entitled 2pacalypse now, it highlighted Tupacs passionate political and thug life side. Songs like Trapped while politically on point stirred up much controversy when it depicted an Oakland police officer being shot at the end of the video. This particular song caught the attention of Dan Quayle who expressed his outrage and started a short-lived campaign against Hollywood and its beliefs but mainly focusing on hip-hop and its violent lyrics (Terry CSM). Tupac in return released a C. D. ingle entitled Letter to the president this song entailed provocative lyrics asking why the president was allowing black babies to die from malnutrition but willing to imprison black males for selling narcotics to make money for his family. .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e , .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e .postImageUrl , .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e , .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e:hover , .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e:visited , .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e:active { border:0!important; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e:active , .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf875b55f8de0d725cf54e5e14ada695e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Asian Crisis EssayOther songs like Brendas got a baby brought attention to the emotional nd heartfelt side of the rising star with the lyrics depicting a young 14 year old girl being kidnapped and raped on her way home from school by four local gang members. Brendas got a baby focused on Tupacs thoughts to what is happening in his surroundings and how his conscience is starting to affect his need to be accepted by gangsters. In 1991 Tupac got his first real taste of trouble when he was stopped for Jaywalking in down town Oakland. According to Pac (Tupac) the police officers didnt take a liking to his name so they said some unfavorable things. Pac in return responded, and t he result was him being arrested and brutalized. This incident led to him filing a 10 million dollar lawsuit against the city of Oakland and later dropping the charges due to an out of court settlement for an undisclosed amount to the public (Shakur interview). Tupac gained national fame when he played the role of Rollan Bishop; a violent, insecure, short tempered, psychotic individual in the Block Buster movie Juice. Initially director Ernest Dickerson had invited Digital Undergrounds Money B to audition for the movie. Tupac went along for the ide; once there he read the part cold turkey and was hired to play Rollan Bishop, which left many wondering if he was acting or just being himself. Tupac states that acting came exceptionally easy to him because every time he had to move he had to take on the role of someone that he wasnt in order to try and fit in. He says it is an attribute that every one should have in order to survive in the real world. Tupac says, acting is the same damn thing as lying one is just excepted by white people and if they want to pay me to lie and not get in trouble for it than fuck ya Ill do that, t aint shit its just accepted by whites(Hirschberg 14 Jan. ). As Tupacs popularity began to soar so did his troubles. In the summer of 1992 while attending Merits cities fiftieth anniversary Tupac and his entourage had a confrontation with some old acquaintances, during the ensuing fight a gun was drawn, a shot was fired and a six-year-old boy lay dead as an innocent bystander. Tupacs brother Mercedes who at the time raped for the group Tony Tony Tony and later for Thug Life was arrested and charged. Mercedes was eventually let go due to lack of evidence. Tupac later found himself embroiled in more controversy when a Texas officer was shot and killed by a young teenage boy. The widow of the slain officer filed a multi million-dollar civil lawsuit against Tupac claiming that it was his lyrics that influenced the young perpetrator to kill (Terry CSM). The charges were later dropped and Tupac issued a public statement saying, If we really are saying rap is an art form, then we got to be more responsible for our lyrics. If you see everybody dying because of what you saying, it dont matter that you didnt make them die, it just matters that ou didnt save them(qtd in Shakur 46). Tupac said this statement was given because, I know the shit that happens because of my music isnt legally my fault but shit I still feel bad about it(Powell 46). If that wasnt enough later in 1992 while Tupac was visiting the set of Fox Television show In Living Color Tupac had an altercation with a limo driver; the result was him being arrested and charged with assault, eventually the charges were dropped. Seemingly wherever that Tupac went troubled followed. Tupac then found himself being charged with assault fter he and a group of friends beat up the film directors known as the Huges brothers with a variety of weapons arranging from baseball bats to lead pipes. This incident seemed from him being fired from the movie Menace II Society which was later caste to Coolio (a fellow west coast rapper). Later in October of 1993 Tupac was arrested and charged for shooting two off duty police officers in Atlanta Georgia. Just as that drama was beginning to be sorted out he was arrested in New York the following month and accuse of sexually assaulting a fan in his hotel room. In the ackground of all that controversy Tupac managed to release another album entitled Strictly for my N. I. G. G. A. Z which featured the smash hits I get around and the emotional tribute to women Keep your head up. During this time Tupac was featured in two more movies, the first one was entitled Poetic Justice co-staring Janet Jackson, where he stirred things up once again by refusing to honor Ms. Jacksons request to take an AIDS test. The other movie that featured Tupac came out in the spring of 1993 was entitled Above the Rim. Just like he did in the movie Juice Tupac adorned the ole of a gangster (Shakur interview) On November 30 1994 while waiting in the lobby of a Time Square studio Tupac became the victim of a robbery, he resisted and was shot 5 times, left for dead by his once best friend Biggy Smalls (Armond 14 Sept. ). While Tupac was in the hospital Tupac was visited by a man who claimed to be his father. Tupac says, I look up there was this nigga that looked just like me . And he was my father e still didnt take no blood test but the nigga looked just like me and the other niggas dead so now I feel that Im past the father stage. Tupac shocked the world not only by surviving the onslaught but also by leaving the hospital only a few days later. Tupac was in New York filming a video as well as awaiting the fait of his trial for the sexual assault charges he was indicted for the year before. He would eventually be sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison. He would also accuse former rap partner Notorious B. I. G as the person that set him up to be shot. .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d , .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d .postImageUrl , .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d , .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d:hover , .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d:visited , .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d:active { border:0!important; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d:active , .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u482578a86dd2ac43e67eef60e942190d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Enterprise Architecture Essay PaperIt was these accusations that intensified the supposed east coast west coast rivalry within hip-hop. Now just before Tupac began serving his sentence on sexual ssault charges he released his third album Me Against the World. It was on this album that the world heard Tupacs tribute to his mother entitled Dear Momma which depicted his love towards her through her graces and her faults. He raps about his anger towards her drug use but he still appreciates her for everything that she did for him and his brother and sister. After serving a little more than seven months in the New York Correctional Facility Tupac was released on 1. 3 million dollars bail posted by Death Row Records CEO Suge Knight, home of Snoop Dog and The Dog Pound pon Tupacs request for an appeal. In order for Suge Knight to pay for Tupacs bail Tupac had to sign into a promissory contract saying that he will make 5 albums for Death Row. He quickly maid noise with the release of his hit song California Love a track featuring himself and Dr. Dre. While awaiting his appeal Tupac released a double album entitled all eyes on me. It featured all sorts of artists ranging from RB groups such as Jodasi to bay area locals Drew Down and Richey Rich. All Eyes on ME sold a reported 5 million copies and made more than 92 million dollars for record label Death Row. It seemed that Tupac was trying to conclude his contract with Death Row as quickly as possible. Ironically while out in bail Tupac had managed to again embroil himself in controversy. He was arrested twice for parole violations and accused of causing a disturbance at the soul train music awards. Reports show that he confronted Notorious B. I. G back stage about the attempted robbery that happened in November of 1994. On September 7 1996 Tupac and CEO of Death Row Suge Knight had an altercation with a local Las Vegas gang over a turf related dispute. Later that night Tupac and Suge left the Mike Tyson Bruce Sheldon fight in Suges car followed by a mixture of bodyguards and friends in four other cars. A white Cadillac with 4 people inside pulled along the right side Suges black B. M. W at an intersection along East Flamingo Road. A gunman stepped out and opened fire shooting eighteen bullets towards the car with two semi-automatic handguns. Tupac was shot three times in the chest and once in his abdomen while Suge escaped with minor injuries from shrapnel to his right shoulder. Tupac was brought to University Medical Center. On Friday September 13 1996 Tupac died after six days in critical condition due to respiratory failure and cardio pulmonary arrest. He had undergone 2 surgeries, on Sunday September 15th. In the most recent surgery his right lung was removed. Tupac was pronounced dead at 4:03 pm. His body was cremated less than 36 hours after Tupac died. Just before Tupac died he issued a statement in Vibe saying, why isnt it hip-hop when I do it? Everybody else can have beef within the music, talk about differences and its ok. Its music, its hip-hop, its ground breaking. When I do it its war ll Im doing is saying that Im tired of you talking about where you are from (Powell 73). Tupac also issued a public apology to his long time friend Christopher Wallace a. k. a Biggy Smalls in the song I aint mad at ya off of his multi-platinum album All Eyes on Me saying that he no longer blames Biggy for the shooting in New York back in 1994. Biggy never accepted his apology (Jones July). When Tupac died he had no money to his name. Although he is arguably the most successful rapper the world has seen with over 12 million copies of his albums sold worldwide and reportedly over 150 million dollars made or Death Row none of the money was his. Sadly Tupac was shot and killed only weeks before his fifth album was released which would have completed his contract with Death Row. While Tupac was given everything that he would ever need and then some he was not content because he knew that as long that he was popular he would have anything that he needed but he was also practical and knew that he was not going to stay popular forever and wanted to start his own record company entitled Thug Life which would have enabled Tupac to save money for his future and more so control his destiny. Tupac believed that he could be more successful if he were able to work for himself and rap about what he believed in. plus he just wanted to be able to be free and do what he wanted (Powell 113). Tupac died like he lived fast and hard. Tupac was a brilliant man in the way of music but what he lacked was that knowledge that only a man could give him. The knowledge about the streets; if you mess with someone they are going to mess with you. Tupacs ego was just too big. He wasnt on the west coast he was in Nevada, he messed with gang members, and they messed with him. He just got hurt in the process.
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